November 15, 2023
By Corbin Jensen and Jake Malowitz

Demystifying Amazon's Search Query Performance Dashboard

Three strategies for using Amazon's new tool to discover hidden keywords, publish perfect PDP copy, and optimize PPC campaigns.

In 2022, something big happened in the world of 3P sellers. Amazon finally offered a broad brand analytics suite, providing access to the right data to understand the full sales funnel, spot conversion issues, and major drop-off points in customer acquisition and attention. Put simply, sellers had an easier, faster way to gauge customer behavior to drive profit and sales.

Now that’s all well and good, but maximizing the capabilities of these analytics tools can be a challenge, if not downright confusing.

Here we’ll unpack 3 strategies to optimize your top of funnel efforts using Amazon’s Search Query Performance Dashboard (SQP), and highlight how leading pet brand Leashboss, brought their SQP data to life to revamp PDPs with creative short and long-tail keywords.

Let’s take a closer look.

Keyword Optimization:

Identify KWs with varying levels of competition, strong click-through rates (CTR), high search frequency, and conversion rates using first party data (directly from Amazon!). By incorporating these keywords strategically in your product titles, bullet points, and descriptions, you can improve your product's visibility in search results and attract more relevant traffic that is likely to convert to a sale. Optimize for different KWs depending on the maturity, availability rate, and sales goals of your products.

Bringing This To Life With Leashboss:  
  • Diving into the ASIN level view on our SQP dashboard, we quickly saw that our impression and click share were both sitting below 1% relative to market, but there were several keyword phrases relevant to our product that we just weren’t capitalizing such as “small slow feeder dog bowls.”
  • In short order, we popped these search terms into the title and bullets of our PDP, and saw our total impressions double, reaching the top 10 clicked products at our elevated click share.

Product Listing Optimization With Niche Opportunities:

Spot search queries with low CTR or conversion rates to evaluate if there are any gaps in your product presentation. Analyze competitor ASINs for the same search queries to understand what elements might be driving more clicks and conversions.

Leverage your data to find specific search terms and long tail KWs to identify low competition keywords that have significant search volume, which indicates demand for your product. Some of these niche KWs represent underserved markets or product categories that may be overlooked by competitors, giving you the opportunity to drive sales at a lower cost-per-click.

Optimize your product images, bullet points, and descriptions accordingly to make them compelling, relevant, and competitive for your core customer archetype.

Bringing This To Life With Leashboss:  
  • The first step here was identifying 5 absolute must win KWs for our product using the SQP dashboard.
  • For example, KWs featuring “insert” are not technically featured in the slow feed bowl niche.
  • Using SQP data, we found that we were performing well for long-tail KWs such as “slow feeder insert, slow feeder insert small, slow feeder dog bowl insert, cat slow feeder insert” and more.
  • Additionally, our SQP data revealed that our product was being used for cats, specific dog breeds, and satisfied the demand for “small” and “large” slow feed bowl inserts.
  • We then analyzed the click and impression share for our top 10 competitors on each ASIN, and noticed that several of these terms were either missing entirely or not prominently featured on our listing.
  • Our product converted on KWs that were dominated by brands that offer slow feed bowls such as Keegud, MAIYOUWENG, and Fikz Craving Creativity.

Ad Campaign Optimization:

Map search terms that are generating high sales and consider adding them as exact match keywords in your campaigns. Additionally, identify low-performing search terms and add them as negative keywords to prevent wasted ad spend. By aligning your ad campaigns with high-converting search queries, you can make significant ROAS improvements and drive more targeted traffic to your products.

Bringing This To Life With Leashboss:  
  • In aggregate we identified 20+ opportunities to optimize our PDPs with the short and long-tail KWs, and supported via “ranking campaigns” through Amazon advertising.
  • We targeted these terms in exact, broad, and phrase match campaigns to increase impression, click, and purchase share.

Track and Analyze Results:  

Monitor the results of your implemented trade spend strategies week over week to determine if you’re successfully increasing your market share at different stages of the funnel. Data surrounding your click, CVR, impression and purchase share at the ASIN and KW level are all now available.  

Bringing This To Life With Leashboss:
  • Our trade spend strategy and PPC allocation is more granular, targeted, and data-driven than ever.
  • Filtering our SQP dashboard through the WoW timeframe, we’ve driven impressions, click, and purchase share on several of our top terms.

A Final Thought

If you remember one thing from this blog post, let it be this: treat your Search Query Performance Dashboard data as the ingredients that can be mixed, matched, and applied to boost efficiencies in your trade spend and increase traffic to drive profitable sales growth and market share.

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